How to play roundnet:

Roundnet, also known as Spikeball, is a fun and engaging sport that is gaining popularity across the world. It combines elements of volleyball and foursquare.  Suitable for players of all skill levels, we've seen participants as young as 8 years old participate in Utah Roundnet tournaments, it offers a great way to stay active and enjoy competitive play. This guide provides the basic rules and gameplay to get you started.


  • A roundnet set, including a small, round net and a ball.
  • A flat, open space.


  • Place the net on a level surface.
  • Teams (2 players on each team) stand 7' away from the net with each person occupying a 90° angle, standing "next" to your teammate so each player will have an opposing player standing opposite from them..


The goal is to hit the ball onto the net so that it bounces off in a way that the opposing team cannot return it.

Basic Rules:

  1. Serving: Standing 7 feet from the net, the server tosses the ball up to serve by hitting it onto the net towards the opponents.
  2. Rally: Teams have up to three alternating touches to return the ball onto the net.  A player may only use 2 hands (or any body parts) for their teams' first touch off the net. All other touches must use 1 single body part.
  3. No Boundaries: There are no sides or boundaries, so players can move or hit the ball from any angle around the net.
  4. Scoring: Points are scored when:
  5. the ball hits the ground,
  6. the ball is not returned onto the net within three touches,
  7. or the opposing team commits a fault.

Games are typically played to 21 points, and you must win by 2 points.


  • Hitting the ball directly into the rim of the roundnet set.
  • Catching or throwing the ball.
  • Double hits or illegal serves.

Gameplay Tips:

  • Communication and positioning are key.
  • Use all 3 hits to get your "spike" as close to the net as possible
  • Develop a good mix of serving, hitting, and defensive strategies.
  • Stay on your toes and be ready to move in any direction.
  • Find a full list of tips on our "How to get better" page!


Roundnet is a dynamic and enjoyable sport that combines athleticism, strategy, and teamwork. Whether you're playing casually in the backyard or competing in a tournament, it's a great way to have fun and challenge yourself.

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